Martine Wassen started studying Health Sciences at Maastricht University in 1995-1999. She studied medicine at Maastricht University from 1999-2004. In 2006 she started her traineeship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Atrium Medical Center and the Maastricht University Medical Center. Research into the effect of epidural analgesia on the outcome of labour has resulted in a PhD entitled ‘Epidural analgesia during labour: choices and consequences’ in December 2014. She completed her traineeship in O&G in 2012 and is gynaecologist in the Zuyderland Medical Centre, The Netherlands. Since 2017 she is head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology residence program in the Zuyderland Medical Centre. She is expert in minimally invasive surgery, vaginal surgery, vNOTES surgery, benign and vulva pathology. She is member of the vNOTES faculty in The Netherlands and Europe. Besides she developed Virtual Reality software for labour and pregnancy and recently a mobile application ‘BirthCoach’ was launched. She is driven by innovation and development based on scientific research.